October 26, 2011, Classmate blog http://christinaresas,blospot.com/teensexeducationdebate, the article is commentary
from Austin American Statesman. Christina, states that after reading the
article, she questions whether or not sex education should or should not be
taught in Texas. In the United States when it comes to sex education it is
required that students learn about HIV/STD’s. That in the states where it is
taught abstinence is not a requirement. Texas schools are not require to teach
sex education classes unless the school district chooses too, and if they do
offer sex education classes, they are required to teach abstinence.
The National
Center for Health Statistics studies that stated sine the late 1980’s there is
a decline in teens that are sexually active. Female have dropped from 51% to
43%, for males a drop from 60% to 42%. As of 1988 the apparent use of
contraception has increased, during the last 20 years. The article states both
sides to the argument…discusses contraception promotion. So in a sense the
article was contradicting itself. So in the end has sex decreased among teen?
If so why does there seem to be more teens having babies? Why the bigger and
stronger push on condoms?
Christina take on
the subject come from a place of great passion. Christina personal taken on the
subject and I quote “this is just crazy too me! I would say that if anything
within the past 20 years, our population has sky rocketed! And she feels that
the birth rate is ridiculous. “I’m seeing babies having babies; I think all
these young girls just need abstinence education.” I can hear in her writing,
the conflict, disappointment, and also the conviction on the choices provide to
our future generation of adults. She has
a legitimate concern about the promotion of contraceptive and the message
translated by plan parenthood clinics. I must that I agree with Christina, but
I must add not just in Texas be in the whole of the United States, sex
education should be required. But I disagree that they should solely teach
abstinence. She stated, “Its common sense to know what is going to happen, if
you don’t protect yourself, but the entire happy looking condom commercials,
all the spunky plan parenthood workers handing out condoms left and right… is
just not promoting any thing positive.” I don’t feel that sex education is
solely about protection. Children are that children, they need to be taught and
given a clear understanding, about what having sex means, the consequences, and
shown example of the true outcome. This was a good topic and her passionate
inputs add interest to the piece. Some grammar changes needed, and I enjoyed
it, personal passion always gives an article more depth.
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